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My Services

With my help, screen time becomes learning time, bringing reassurance to parents and joy to children. 

Many parents want their children to learn English and to start learning English in their early years. 
To be able to learn a language, we need a lot of exposure to it.
Animation series and streaming platforms can provide this essential access to English.
By changing the language setting on the remote, we can all watch programmes in different languages and the opportunities for language learning are enormous.

I work with animation producers and streaming platforms, helping my clients to see through the eyes of a child, to make content educational and beneficial for all young children.  I bring educational insight into animation series by providing English language development opportunities for a non-English speaking global market. 

Children can watch their favourite cartoon in many languages, bringing real learning opportunities.  When watching an animation series, children hear real language in a context, in a story format with visuals to aid understanding.  Quality animated stories keep children engaged, whilst hearing English.

I advise production companies on how to create content appropriate for early language learning, content that is accessible to foreign language speaker markets and promotes language learning through play to build relationships and encourage social and emotional wellbeing.  

I review scripts, adapt them for foreign language speakers, simplify language, avoid colloquialisms, yet I keep language natural and rich, and at the same time, I approach language learning in a natural, uncontrived way.  

I offer guidance on themes and formats, ensuring the content doesn't overwhelm the child with language, concepts and complexity, always considering child development, not just in communication and language, but also in physical, social and emotional development. 

I help my clients to engage with parents by developing support materials, so parents can help their child to learn English through animation series.  This can be generic content or episode-specific, depending on the scope of the consultancy.  

 If you would like to discuss your projects with me and get to know me better, please get in touch.